The Sent Life
Group discussion:
1) What stood out to you most this week? Why?
2) What did you discover about God? About Yourself?
3) We can be fearful or reluctant about sharing faith. What did you learn
about getting over these fears?
4) How did the quote (from Just Do It) impact you? “So we can stop pleading
with God to show us the future, and start living and obeying like we are
confident that He holds the future”
5) It is common to think preaching the gospel with words is for preachers.
What does it look like in your life to “preach the gospel with words”?
6) What are you going to do moving forward?

Begin - 7 Day Devotion – Seen, Chosen, Sent
Watch - If I Believe This
Respond - Do you relate to David and Francis in their struggles? Do you find
it comforting that this is not an unusual insecurity? What are some ideas that
you have to get out of this fear or reluctant mindset? (write these down to share)

Watch - Embracing the Placing
Read - Just Do Something
Respond (share your answers with your group)
As you consider living the sent life in the days ahead, fear or a sense of
inadequacy may be developing within you. If it’s not right now, it will at
times in the days ahead. How could the fact that Jesus ultimately wins
change your perspective on being part of fulfilling God’s strategic mission?
Reflect on this quote from your reading: “So we can stop pleading with God
to show us the future, and start living and obeying like we are confident that
He holds the future” .
Scripture teaches us that dwelling on what is true – about God, others and
ourselves – brings peace to our lives.
Record your thoughts about this and share them with your group!

Watch - Talking the Walk
Make sure you connect with your group this week to discuss what you discovered!